H2 Tape Reseal Packaging

Tape Reseal Packaging – Videos

Tape Reseal Packaging – Blog

Saving Food Via Resealable Packaging

Saving Food Via Resealable Packaging

Many studies have proven packaging to be an environmentally advantageous and cost-effective strategy to reduce in-home and in-store food waste.  At the present time, packaging seems to be getting a 'beating' on the environmental front, but let's not forget the role it...

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Case Studies

Hungry Jack’s UNO 3 – the best just got BETTER!

Hungry Jack’s UNO 3 – the best just got BETTER!

Antares Vision Group, a global provider of traceability solutions, has joined Result Group as a new Technology partner for all of our traceability project activity. The best has just got better!! Interoperability and Data Management, with the first collaboration...

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The Game is Better at Hungry Jack’s

The Game is Better at Hungry Jack’s

This week’s launch of the Hungry Jack’s UNO™ promotion is the successful outcome of the collaborative effort between Hungry Jack’s, Result Group, TLC Marketing, Multi-color Corporation and Detpak with Result Group taking the lead and managing the game development and...

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